About me
Erika Ireland is a Registered Dietitian / Nutritionist (RDN), Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
(CDCES), and an academic university-level professor with over 20 years of professional
service to the dietetics and nutrition industry. She holds a terminal degree in education (Ed.D) with a focus on higher education and an advanced degree in publichealth, emphasizing health policy and administration. She holds a deep
knowledge of education, clinical dietetics, research, and current trends. In March 2017,
she was nominated and awarded national-level recognition status, jointly from the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and the Nutrition and Dietetics Educators and
Preceptors (NDEP), as an "Outstanding Educator - Western Region"; from nominees in
eight states.
Currently, Erika coordinates the post-baccalaureate certificate of advanced study –
dietetic internship program and full teaching load, including responsibility for teaching
nutrition and health, elementary nutrition, nutrition through the lifecycle, sports nutrition
and advanced counseling courses, in addition to managing 18 affiliate
organizations/preceptors. Her areas of expertise and/or research include but are not limited
to: Educational Leadership, Diabetes, human lactation; continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII), and
continuous glucose monitoring (cgm).